CareHost Terms of Service
1. No Piracy
2. No SPAM
3. No Adult Content
4. No Copyrighted Material
5. No Bittorrent
6. No IRC
7. No Proxies
8. Intentional Abuse - Termination
9. Accidental Abuse - Warn and Suspend
10. Incoming DDOS - IP Null Routed
11. Outgoing DDOS - Termination
12. Limited Liability
13. Products and services on AS-IS basis
14. Best effort service will be provided. No obligation.
15. Legal Jurisdiction in case of Dispute - Vadodara
16. Local laws apply
17. Information will be revealed to concerned Authorities in case of abuse
18. Explaination will be asked in case of DMCA Complaint although it is not legally binding
19. Customers will be responsible for all activties on their servers
20. We can change this Terms of Service anytime